Oct 14, 2018
This was a weekend overnight trip with camp at Upper Hanging lake. Started from Center Creek FSR. Easy hiking on old road for the first 50 minutes, but then the going gets tough as trail begins to gain considerable elevation. There is a huge and unforgiving rock scree to ascend once you go past the meadow. No snow to smooth out the rocks and the overnight pack doesn't help either. But if you're up for the challenge, then you will be fine. Finally reached the lake with an hour to sunset, and set up camp right by the lake. Night wasn't too cold, just 0C inside the tent.
Next day relaxed for a bit until afternoon, then packed up and started the Mt Lindeman ascent. Nothing technically difficult, a mix with some hiking and scrambling. Views from the top were top notch!
After half an hour at the peak, headed back down and out. Last couple of hours were hiked in the dark in the boring forest under the stars, but listening to podcasts made the time go by quicker and more interesting.
All in all good trip off the beaten path with not a single cloud or person for 2 days.
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