We arrived at the turn off to the parking area for Nugedzi Lakes Trail at 10:15am. To reach the parking lot you need to drive along a rocky road for about 150 metres which is easily achievable in any vehicle. At the end of the rocky road we parked – we were the only car in the parking lot. There is no signage indicating this is the parking area other than a wooden sign posted on a tree that says Nugedzi Lake trail. There is no outhouse at this trailhead.
The trail begins at the Nugedzi Lake Trail sign, which is an old logging road that is fairly steep for about 20 minutes. We then came to a washed out stream crossing which was dry. We crossed here, to our right, where we saw another wooden sign that said “trail” indicating this was now our direction. It had pink flagging ribbon on the bottom of the sign. We continued to climb along this logging road which has some sections being steeper than others. We hiked on this logging road section until we reached a small wooden foot bridge and another wooden direction sign directing us to “Nugedzi Lakes Ancient Forest”. This is where the old logging road ended and a forest trail started. The trail is single track and winds its way through the mossy trail. We crossed a few foot bridges and came to a junction were we could take a trail to the Lily Pond Lookover. We chose not to go to the Lily Pond and opted to continue towards Nugedzi Lakes. The trail climbed up and down until we arrived at Nugedzi Lakes. We opted to complete the Little Nugedzi Lake Loop Trail which gave us a nice view of the smaller lake and then looped back to the large lake. We had the option to continue hiking towards the Seymour Narrows Lookover but simply looped around the large lake and headed back to the car.
We did not see anyone else on this trail and had the entire trail to ourselves. It was fantastic. The entire hike was 9km and we completed it just under 3 hours. Although the trail is not marked with tree markers or flagging tape, it is easy to follow as the path is well defined and directional signage and maps are located at trail junctions.
Reads:63 GPS
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