This trail is one of only a few the perfect snowshoe opportunities near to Seattle. It starts directly from US 2 highway, so unlike many trails only accessible by forest service roads this one is open year round. Yet it is high enough so that snow starts at the trailhead. It starts about 4 miles flat through the dense forest, allowing you to leave all highway noise and smells far behind. The trail from the trailhead to surprise lake is very popular with snowshoers for these reasons: easy, safe and pretty. Interesting part starts when you want to explore more after the first lake. We broke trail along the small ridge to Glacier lake first, than potholed on snow straight up to the surprise gap. After that we followed the ridge to Surprise mountain peak. This route is the shortest way to it, but might be a bit scary later into the winter, as surprise gap seems to be an avalanche bowl. As we wanted to make a loop from the top we climbed down the other side of the mountain up to pipers gap. From pipers gap the route is more gentle, but a lot slower and unfortunately also goes through some exposed slopes.
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